7:40 AM

PAC-MAC Rules!

The google team were "overwhelmed — but not surprised :) — "by the success of their 30th anniversary PAC-MAN doodle. Due to popular demand, they’re making the game permanently available at www.google.com/pacman.
3:20 AM

Top Blogging tools recommended by Google

Now the web is more known because of bloggers and all the awesome tools available to help them out. Earlier there was a time when all webmasters were busy in their creating their own forums but now the time has changed. Blog is the new choice.

Here are the few extension recommended by Google Chrome team.

#Blog This!- Its a Google Blogger friend. It allows you to quickly publish any webpage by modifying it in your own words. It will add the famous Blogspot icon and by clicking on that it will take you to the account and “The new post is pre-populated with a link to the web page you’re on, as well as any text you’ve highlighted on that page.” Now this is a tricky part.

#Webpage Screenshot- Allows to grab any webpage screenshot and the resultant image will have a .PNG file extension. It helps you to easily capture the complete page and it works locally so you don’t need to have an Internet connection.

#TypePad- Similar to Blog This addon. You can modify web pages or post new articles instantly on Typepad.

#Clip to Evernote- Great way to share anything on the web like images, videos or text. Well the concept is not new. Many other sites like Stickr Comments also allows you to do the same thing. But they have built their extension.

#Google Dictionary- Since it is limited to only few languages like Chinese, French, Italian, Korean, Russian and few more. So its better to wait for more future languages updates. They are missing many important languages like Hindi. But it is good if you want to find word meanings.

#Diigo Highlighter- Its great if you want to highlight something on any webpage. Eaily share on social networks like Twitter Facebook Orkut Myspace or Google Buzz. Again nothing new but great for chrome users.

#Bit.ly- Great way to protect yourself from spammy looking short URL. It will show you the complete webpage Page. Similar to KnowURL.

#TinEye Reverse Image Search- Now this something interesting and completely different than any other extension. It will search any image and find its similar or exact image copies on other site and tell you the image popularity. They don’t use image keywords or meta tags. They actually have some great fingerprint algorithm. You can see the demo on their site.

#After the Deadline- Something opposite to its name. It checks spell, style, and grammar checker of any web page or even email. So great way to add more confidence to your English content.

#Stumbleupon- It will add their toolbar and helps you to find interesting pages.

#Aviary Screen Capture- Its a great web page screen capture tool and you can add these screenshots with aviary.com online editor tools. So I recommend this extension and something really different.

#Picnik- Famous online image editor and a true Aviary competitor but it is slower than aviary tools.

#Zemanta- Great way to enhance your blog content. Shows you contextual content related to your article post like images, videos, text, news and more.

#Shareaholic- Google way to share web page on social networks or bookmarking stes. This feature has recently been added to Google toolbar also. So if you are using a Google Toolbar for Mozilla Firefox or Internet Explorer then you don’t need to use this extension. It really reduces your work and make sharing easier.

#Ibrii- Allows you to share anything on any webpage on various social networking sites.

#Drop.io- Easy way to upload your stuff like videos, images, files and share it with others with a short drop URL.

#AddThis- This is something old and very famous bookmarking tool. Everyone knows about it. Similar to Add To Any, Tell A Friend or Share This.
2:56 AM

Optimize your computer for peak performance

Our personal computers are like fine automobiles—they need preventive maintenance to run efficiently and to avoid major breakdowns.

These tips can help improve your computer's performance. These examples are for Windows 7, Windows Vista, and Windows XP. However, you'll find that these tips work for all versions of the Windows operating system.

By the way, it is not possible for you to blow up your computer or your files with any of these procedures. These tasks use utilities provided within the Windows operating system to help you to achieve the best system performance. This article does not address tinkering with the registry files.

follow the link
11:56 PM

Download Office PowerPoint Viewer 2010

Microsoft has released PowerPoint Viewer 2010 and is ready to download via Microsoft download centre. With the help of PowerPoint Viewer 2010, one can open and watch PowerPoint presentations created in PowerPoint 97 and later versions.

The Viewer comes in handy for users who haven’t installed Microsoft Office 2010 PowerPoint on their PCs. Microsoft has also made available for download the 60-day trial version of Office 2010 Professional Plus edition and can be downloaded by registering with Microsoft. You might also like to know how to extend Office 2010 trial period.

Download PowerPoint Viewer 2010
11:45 PM

Electronic Paper Technology: Tomorrow’s Paper

What Is Electronic Paper?
Unlike LCD, LED, or CRT display system, electronic paper technology attempts to achieve the clarity, contrast, and ease of viewing of normal paper on an electronic display.

The technology behind electronic paper is thirty years old; it was developed at Xerox PARC (Palo Alto Research Center). Nicholas K. Sheridon of Xerox PARC created a new display technology known as Gyricon , which became the basis of the modern e-paper technology.

The ideal modern electronic paper should have high contrast like normal paper and low power consumption; it should be thin and light as well. The electronic paper display (EPD) is so light that it can be folded or curled, while still retaining the image. Also, the EPD should not lose the image even if power supply is not available. These concepts were used in the production of such products as Fabric PC from Fujitsu, which is a notebook computer utilizing electronic paper display; it is very lightweight and not easily damaged.

Electronic Ink Technology
At the forefront of electronic ink display technology are two companies: Ink Corporation of Cambridge, Massachusetts (recently acquired by Prime View International, Taiwan) and Xerox (through its subsidiary, Gyricon Media) of Palo Alto, California.

Electronic ink uses a type of clear liquid plastic with millions of microcapsules, which are tiny (at almost the diameter of one of our hairs) spherical objects. The microcapsules contain white-colored and black-colored chips. The white chips are positively charged and black chips are negatively charged. This electronic ink is coated on to an ultra-thin plastic sheet containing a tiny printed circuit board. This circuit can selectively send positive and negative charges to the pasted e-ink, making the chips move, thus altering the display.

Electronic Paper: The Future
 Businesswire recently reported that the electronic reading devices will have an increase in production from 1.1 million units in 2008 to 20 million units in 2012. The cumulative annual growth rate, according to iSuppli analyst Vinita Jakhanwal, is around 105 per cent.

The development of electronic paper technology quickened as the public became fond of the new e-book reading gadgets. The Oprah Winfrey Show endorsed Amazon Kindle, and Oprah called it as her favorite gadget, making Kindle very popular among book readers. E Ink Corporation and Prime View International together support about 20 e-book device manufacturers, including Amazon and Sony. According to Digital Book Readers, introducing e-ink technology into home use, school curriculum, library facilities, and business use provides a win-win scenario with benefits to be had at all angles.

The biggest drawback of computer display is that it is not remotely as readable as paper; it is too bright and can strain your eyes. This is the reason why people still prefer printed paper. On the other hand, electronic paper looks exactly like paper. The technology will drastically change the way people will be reading books. You can have small handheld readers with hundreds and thousands of books, readable as exactly as a normal printed book.

Tomorrow our books will never be damaged. Once the readers become universal, traditional printing will be history. You can download the books you purchase directly to your reader, and that can fetch you huge savings in time and money. The delivery of newspaper and magazines will also be in a new way electronically.
The electronic ink is not just printable on plastic panels, but it can be printed on normal walls, your tee shirts, tablecloth, and pretty much any surface. Thus, in the future you can change your wallpaper at the click of a button.

A Conclusion
 The most important advantage of electronic paper technology is that paper will no longer be needed, and trees need not be cut for paper production. Thus, electronic paper will lead us closer to a better, greener world.
11:41 PM

Electronic Arts reveal their best-selling games of 2009-10

Giant video gaming publisher Electronic Arts have revealed that their best-selling titles of the past year were the military shooter Battlefield: Bad Company 2, soccer game FIFA 10, American football title Madden NFL 10, motorsport experience Need for Speed: Shift, and social simulation The Sims 3.

FIFA 10 shifted more than 10 million units since its launch in October 2009, significant as EA faces stiff competition in the soccer sector from Konami's Pro Evolution Soccer series.

Bad Company 2 sold more than 5 million between March 2 and 31, a strong showing considering that rival genre-dominating game Modern Warfare 2 sold an estimated 10 million in the four months following its November 2009 launch, according to market researchers at the NPD Group.

Specific figures for the other three were not given, but each game in the top five sold at least 4 million first-hand copies between April 1, 2009, and March 31, 2010; the dates marking the beginning and end of EA's Financial Year 2010.

Lifetime sales for The Sims 3 stand at at least 6 million since June 2009.

The inclusion of American football game Madden NFL 10 comes after an initially disappointing performance when it sold nearly 0.5 million less than the previous year's equivalent in the month after its release.

Need for Speed: Shift was released in September 2009 rather than the more favorable November window that the series usually aims for, but its positive critical reception represented a turnaround for the aging series, and it didn't do too badly at retail either.
11:34 PM

How to create a new torrent file using uTorrent

You must have heard about torrents before. It allows users to share files like audio, video, images or anything. It is developed by a Bram Cohen and now it is maintained by BitTorrent Inc. Its a peer to peer share protocol which allows user to share large files.

Generally it is famous for distributing pirated stuff over the internet. Many companies face millions of loss due to this.

uTorrent is a free client software which is very popular due to its flexibility, ease of use and light weight.

To create a file follow these simple steps-

1) First Open uTorrent client interface window.

2) Now click on File menu and select Create New Torrent option.

3) Now add a single file or complete directory folder (for multiple files).

4) Enter the tracker host URL. It is very important. Else you will not be able to share our data with other users. Ask the site or forum admin about the tracker URL where you are distributing your stuff.

5) Also choose other options like Start Seeding (it will start the sharing and uploading process), Private Torrent(hidden from public users. It will be only available to registered members of a site).

6) Click on Create and Save As option and you are done.

After this seeding will start(depending upon the Step 5) and other users will have to download the torrent file to download your newly uploaded content.