Generally it is famous for distributing pirated stuff over the internet. Many companies face millions of loss due to this.
uTorrent is a free client software which is very popular due to its flexibility, ease of use and light weight.
To create a file follow these simple steps-
1) First Open uTorrent client interface window.
2) Now click on File menu and select Create New Torrent option.
3) Now add a single file or complete directory folder (for multiple files).
4) Enter the tracker host URL. It is very important. Else you will not be able to share our data with other users. Ask the site or forum admin about the tracker URL where you are distributing your stuff.
5) Also choose other options like Start Seeding (it will start the sharing and uploading process), Private Torrent(hidden from public users. It will be only available to registered members of a site).
6) Click on Create and Save As option and you are done.
After this seeding will start(depending upon the Step 5) and other users will have to download the torrent file to download your newly uploaded content.